WP 2_2018 – La crisi dell’Europa. La “distruzione creativa” e le nuove solidarietà sociali

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Working Papers CSE Anno 2018

La crisi dell’Europa. La “distruzione creativa” e le nuove solidarietà sociali.

Laura Leonardi





This article deals with the problem of the social foundations of social solidarity in the context of today’s European crisis. One of the main hypothesis is that the crisis is not only a factor of disintegration but also of “creative destruction”, followed by an accelerated change and social mobilization. The crisis is also a phase in which social imagination and creativity are liberated, and new conditions arise for social solidarity. The first part of this article analyzes the relationship between European crisis, social solidarity, Europeanization and cosmopolitanism. In the second part, it highlights the rise of new forms of “cosmopolitan social solidarities” in Europe, referring to some key concept – social and geographical imagination, capacity to aspire and social acts – as useful tools for the empirical analysis.



Social Solidarity; Crisis; Europeanization; Social Cosmopolitanism.


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Doi: 10.14273/unisa-1025



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