Author Archive


WP 3_2023 – Il sistema formativo europeo tra competizione e modello hayekiano di conoscenza

10.04.2023  |  No Comments

Working Papers CSE Year 2023 Il sistema formativo europeo tra competizione e modello hayekiano di conoscenza  Vanessa Lamattina Share     Abstract At the European Council in … Continue Reading


WP 2_2023 – La solidarietà europea allo specchio della crisi pandemica

07.05.2023  |  No Comments

Working Papers CSE Year 2023 La solidarietà europea allo specchio della crisi pandemica. Ultima chance per l’Europa?  Massimo Pendenza Share     Abstract During the pandemic, the … Continue Reading


Seminar cycle “The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: Open Lectures” 2nd Edition – Giuseppe Allegri

04.29.2023  |  No Comments

The seminar will be organized as a part of the seminar cycle “The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: Open Lectures – 2nd Edition 2023” by the Center … Continue Reading


Europe Day 2023 – Giuseppe Bronzini

04.22.2023  |  No Comments

Europe Day 2023 May 9, 2023 at 11:00   The Center for European Studies (, directed by Prof. Massimo Pendenza, in the context of the activities of … Continue Reading


Seminar cycle “The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: Open Lectures” 2nd Edition – Gianfranco Macrì

04.22.2023  |  No Comments

The seminar will be organized as a part of the seminar cycle “The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: Open Lectures – 2nd Edition 2023” by the Center … Continue Reading


Seminar cycle “The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: Open Lectures” 2nd Edition – Maurizio Del Bufalo

04.19.2023  |  No Comments

The seminar will be organized as a part of the seminar cycle “The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: Open Lectures – 2nd Edition 2023” by the Center … Continue Reading


Seminar cycle “The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: Open Lectures” 2nd Edition – Emanuele Russo

04.05.2023  |  No Comments

The second edition 2023 of The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in Practice: Open Lectures Seminar Cycle kicks off on April 14, 2023. The inaugural seminar will … Continue Reading


Seminar cycle “The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in Practice: Open Lectures” – 2nd Edition 2023

04.05.2023  |  No Comments

Organized by the Jean Monnet ActEuR Module and the Chair of Sociology of Europe – DiSPS, UniSa, the cycle of seminars “The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights … Continue Reading


WP 1_2023 – Un progetto “in divenire”.

02.10.2023  |  No Comments

Working Papers CSE Year 2023 Un progetto “in divenire”. La politica europea della ricerca e dell’innovazione tra integrazione e differenziazione. Matteo Gerli Share     Abstract This … Continue Reading


WP 4_2022 – La leadership dell’Unione Europea nella politica climatica internazionale

12.14.2022  |  No Comments

Working Papers CSE Year 2022 La leadership dell’Unione Europea nella politica climatica internazionale Pietro Pasculli Share     Abstract The negative effects of climate change and global … Continue Reading

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