Europe, shared memories and values – Meetings with schools

By   /  12 dicembre 2019  /  No Comments

Europe is much more than a free trade agreement. It embodies the effort to achieve a political unity at the foundations of which is respect for human freedoms and dignity.” With these words, prof. Massimo Pendenza, professor of the University of Salerno and director of the Center for European Studies (CSE) active at the Department of Political and Social Studies, inaugurated the activities of the second edition (2019/2020) of the Jean Monnet ModuleEuropean Culture and Memories” (EuCuMe) in the presence of the students and teachers of the high schools visiting the exhibition “I am Anne Frank”, hosted by the structures of the “Marte Live” media library in Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno).

During the first series of roundtables, which will be held until  December 20, 2019 in conjunction with the exhibition, Dr. Beatrice Benocci and Dr. Dario Verderame underlined how “in a moment of crisis of the European project, like the present one, it is more urgent and necessary to rebuild a sense of belonging to Europe on the basis of shared memories and traumatic events such as the Shoah” and as such memories “can act as a leverage for the reproposing, now increasingly frequent among young Europeans, of phenomena of intolerance, xenophobia and anti-Semitism”.

The dates of the meetings, free and open to students and civil society, are:

December 12-13, 2019 from 12 to 13
December 19-20, 2019 from 12 to 13.

For more information, write to:

Listen to the Podcast of the Round Table of 12.12.2019


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