Europe Day 2020 – Hans-Jörg Trenz, European Solidarity: Challenges and Opportunities

By   /  2 maggio 2020  /  No Comments

Europe Day 2020

Saturday May 9th, 2020 at 11:00


The Center for European Studies (, directed by Prof. Massimo Pendenza, in the context of the activities of the Chair of Sociology of Europe, organizes, in collaboration with the Department of Political and Social Studies (DiSPS), the sixth edition of Europe Day.


This year’s guest is Hans-Jörg Trenz (University of Copenhagen, Center for Modern European Studies – CEMES), who will hold a Lectio Magistralis entitled EUROPEAN SOLIDARITY: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES.

The Lectio Magistralis will be preceded by greetings from the Magnificent Rector of the University of Salerno, Prof. Vincenzo Loia, Prof. Gennaro Iorio (Director of the Department of Political and Social Studies, UniSa), Prof. Francesco Amoretti (President of the Didactic Council of Diplomatic Studies, UniSa) and Prof. Elisabetta Barone (Headmaster of the “Alfano I” High School of Salerno).

The participation of EU Parlamentar Andrea Cozzolino is expected.

Prof. Massimo Pendenza (President of the Didactic Council of Sociology and Director of the Center for European Studies, UniSa) introduces the works.

Before the lesson, a String and Voice Quartet composed by the Masters of the Liceo Musicale Alfano I Cello Voice – a cello and voice sextet – from Salerno will cheer the audience online by playing the Hymn to Joy. Since 1972, the melody, taken from the Ninth symphony composed in 1823 by Ludwig van Beethoven who put Friedrich von Schiller’s ode to music in 1785, has been used by the EU as its own anthem.


The Lectio Magistralis will take place in streaming mode, via the Microsoft Teams platform.

Download the poster

For information on how to participate, write to


You can listen and see the Lectio magistralis at the following link:


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