WP 2_2019 – Against European Hegemony Discourse. Vladimir Putin and Other Voices in the Post-2012 Russia

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Working Papers CSE Anno 2019

Against European Hegemony Discourse. Vladimir Putin and Other Voices in the Post-2012 Russia.

Vahe Khumaryan





The reborn anti-corruption related mass protests in Russia in early 2017 once again bring up questions about the political reaction to the previous oppositional awakening of 2011. The nature of the political regime in Russia throughout the 2012-2017 had important normative agenda, which deeply affected European-Russian relations on their intergovernmental level, but also on the identity poli-cies and discourse in the Russian domestic affairs. In this article an overview of the discourses under Vladimir Putin’s post-2012 presidential term is given. It is also suggested, that the current corruption-related upraising may have less to do with the mainstream government support rate, than it appears.



Russia; Putin; European-Russian relations; Corruption.


Full Text: pdf

Doi: 10.14273/unisa-1540



Alekseyeva, A. (2014). “Sochi 2014 and the Rhetoric of a New Russia: Image Construction through Mega-Events.” East European Politics, 30(2), pp. 158–174.
Gronskaya, N. and Makarychev, A. (2014). “The 2014 Sochi Olympics and ‘Sovereign Power’. A Political Linguistic Perspective.” Problems of Post-Communism, 61(1), pp. 41–51.


Media sources:

www.echo.msk.ru (independent, Radio frequency and internet broadcast)
www.rbc.com (mostly economy-related, semi-independent liberal source)
www.rt.com, Russia Today (internationally broadcasted, financially supported by Russian government)
www.tvrain.ru (internet-broadcasted, liberal, liberal democratic)
www.vz.ru (pro-governmental)

Other sources:

Kremlin official, www.en.kremlin.ru
Levada, an independent sociological data center www.levada.com
Open Russia fund by Mikhail Khodorkovsky, www.openrussia.org
openDemocracy project, www.opendemocracy.org
Russia in Global Affairs Journal, www.eng.globalaffairs.ru
The Ponars Eurasia project, www.ponarseurasia.org


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